Application Form

Information Fields marked with a star are mandatory.
If you have any questions or would like to submit additional documents, please contact us by email at:
Job Reference
Personal Data

If you indicate your disability, you can be considered according to § 164 SGB IX. Please remember to include appropriate proof.
Migration background

Please enter only the relevant degree for the position.
Please upload your application documents here (curriculum vitae, diplomas, references and, if applicable, other documents).
If you want to upload more than one document, you have to mark all files.

Please note that only PDF files can be uploaded.
Please use your last name, a hyphen and the name of the file in the name of the PDF file, e.g.
Smith-Resume.pdf or Smith-Certificates.pdf

Please avoid using space or any special characters as the following:
. ” / [ ] : ; | = _ , < ? > & $ # ! ‘ { } ( )

Declaration of Consent

I agree to the collection, storage, processing and internal transmission of data by HTW Berlin for the purpose of processing my request. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their processing. You can request the deletion of your data at any time and without giving reasons. For more information, please see the Privacy Policy as well as in the anti-discrimination policy of HTW Berlin (§10).
Your withdrawal of consent or the deletion of your data can be made at:
